Groundhog Day 2021!

Groundhog Day 2021!

So if there was ever a time that we can relate to the movie Groundhog Day I think I can safely say that January and February 2021 would be it! The unrelenting weather, the unending restrictions and the well used routine we all have can easily put us in the wrong mood....
A Message To Working Mothers

A Message To Working Mothers

September has been busy for all parents with school-going children, returning to class, a new routine, and while it is great to have the children back to high structure, it brings with it more challenges such as juggling after-school activities, shorter evenings of...
The New Authentic You

The New Authentic You

Happy New Year everyone. This year I have decided not to pursue New Year Resolutions rather explore what kind of life I wish to lead for 2019 and onwards. For this, I have decided to explore the concept of authenticity. I was chatting with someone recently and he made...