What Does A Life Coach Really Do?

What Does A Life Coach Really Do?

As we come to the end of the summer and begin a new school year, now is a good time to take stock of where you are and set new goals. In recent times there has been a lot of mention about Coaches: Life Coaches, Wellness Coaches, Performance Coaches, Motivational...
Why Not Me?

Why Not Me?

I have been noticing lately how we limit ourselves by our daily thoughts and actions. I will give you a list of real examples from myself and other people that I know: A highly experienced professional who is afraid to go for promotion as she doesn’t feel good enough....
The New Authentic You

The New Authentic You

Happy New Year everyone. This year I have decided not to pursue New Year Resolutions rather explore what kind of life I wish to lead for 2019 and onwards. For this, I have decided to explore the concept of authenticity. I was chatting with someone recently and he made...

Life And Career Coaching Tips

As we begin a new year, our thoughts veer to the future and we start to plan what we want to achieve in the next 12 months. From career to life in general, it is important to be prepared for whatever life throws at you. With that in mind, I am offering you some of my...

Time To Reflect On 2018

As we come to the end of the calendar year, our thoughts naturally meander to moments during the year that made an impact on us. Good times and challenging times, we tend to reflect on the significant events and glaze over the other bits in between. But December can...