Well what can I say about this lady, professional and now friend. From the first day I met her to now, she has helped me gain confidence in myself as a person but also as a business owner, she helped me believe I was well capable of bringing Maura Mackey Design to where it is today.
When Covid started she off her own back contacted me weekly – because she cared about me & my business – I wasn’t just another number I was a person who started a new business and she knew I might need an extra bit of support during this strange time ( accountability calls) & made sure I was working away on my business stuff & encouraged me to attend zoom calls/ join groups & if I ever needed a ‘go to person’ to practice presentations on she was at the end of the phone.
She also was the person who encouraged me to write interior articles for the West Cork People – so to say I trust this coach is an understatement. If you are struggling in business right now & you need someone to guide you on the right path, to point you in the right direction, to give you that extra push – then Anna Healy Mindset & Confidence Coach is your answer. You will not regret it. She is truly an inspiring, professional, caring person.